Transformation Pack


Transformation Pack


This beautiful pack takes you through a deep and profoundly supported healing process. This pack is built with the intent to use for a 6 month duration with breaks in between to integrate.

Mimosa - Gives you the support to trust yourself fully, inviting the support of the ancestors and lights the pathway with a gentle boost.

Morning Glory - Gives you profound clarity around your own true path. This one is a bit of a visionary and teaches you to set clear boundaries with yourself around your goals and sticking true to your path. Awakens a sense of strong masculine like guidance. A potent teacher.

Evening Primrose - Takes you back in time in a beautiful and gentle way. Evening Primrose reveals how you may be stuck in past time frames and reliving the experiences in the present. She reveals through the consciousness when these parts start to come forward and allows you to see and make gentle shifts throughout the process. She is gentle, kind and loving like a grandmother.

Honeysuckle - Takes the process Evening Primrose started a little bit deeper. Honeysuckle works through the present moment to reveal and heal the past and create the future. This flower essence is a very clear teacher. You will know when she is working. The first 15 days she really gives you a boost of vitality and creativity, then she begins to bring forward a surface level current issue - you see and feel it all, every ounce of it. She supports a feeling of safety in the discomfort and reminds you of all the tools you have. Once you sit with that surface issue, you begin to see all the layers underneath that. Honeysuckle is a profound teacher and helps you move through very deep seeded woundings that are not at the conscious level. Honeysuckle takes you into the subconscious in a really supported way. This is a great essence to pair with EMDR or other therapy practices like Internal Family Systems.

Violet - Violet is a beautiful rounding out essence. Taking all of the components to the healing process with the previous flowers, begins to release any ties that, through daily interactions, have re-established. Violet soothes the nervous system and reminds you that you are in a new state of being after all of that work. Violet helps the body through the nervous system - allowing the physiological aspects catch up to the emotional release work that has been done. A truly integrative support.

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